Whether we’re chatting with a stranger or hanging out with our bestie, one of the beautiful things about human relationships is that different people bring out different aspects of ourselves....
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. William Wordsworth Journaling can be an incredible means to catalog our thoughts and provide a better understanding of ourselves. When we...
O, the power of kindness So gentle, loving, meek, It is indeed a language Even the dumb can speak; The deaf can understand it, It sheds a shining ray; Then...
In our current culture, both personal branding and promotion have never been easier. With social media, for example, we’re able to invent and reinvent ourselves on a constant basis and,...
Whether we’re afraid of public speaking, spiders, the death of a loved one, or something more unusual, we all hold on to certain fears that we resist facing. It’s natural...
As a child I imagined adulthood almost as if it were a destination, believing that once I got there I would have the dream job, the dream husband, and the...
Remember what it was like to be a child, running around without a single care or concern? Though it wasn’t too long ago, it sometimes feels as if it were...